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 Kumiko's Beauty Method

Japanese Facial Yoga Method and Head skin beauty!


Here, I introduse change of the face of mine!


Why Facial Yoga +Head skin beauty?



This beauty treatment has surprisingly a lot of benefit.  By moving your face muscles and head skin, you can change your face into what it used to be, from droopy face made by gravity and age.  You can not only lift up your face, but also say good bye to pale looking, puffy, saggy face with lines with better blood circulation,  In addition to beauty benefit, it also bring you positive mind, by making beautiful smile or your stiff neck going away.

It is a very natural beauty treatment.  All we use is only face muscles and a hand mirror!  Each of the poses are very unique, we make our funny faces.  We train 57 face muscles in our faces, and make each muscle thicker; it volumes up our faces from inside.  This makes your surface skin firmer, with fewer lines (just like balloons.)

In addition, moving muscles works just like pump.  You can get rid of waste in your face, and blood goes through smoothly, puffiness goes away, skin color becomes brighter, and lotion goes through better.

FYM is under supervision of university professors of a medical school and sport trainers.

Also, when we combine head skin beauty treatment with FYM, you can further lift up your face, blood goes through better in your brain, which makes our mind and feelings relaxed and work better.  The head which is on the top of our body has an important role of lifting face muscles.  When we have flexible head skin, we can hold our face muscles well.  On the other hand, when our head skin condition is bad, our face muscles slide down just like landslide, which ends up in a droopy face.  It is said that when our head skin goes down 1 mm, our face goes down 3mm, breast 5mm, and hip 10mm.  To avoid this, why don’t you add this beauty method in your daily life?



















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